Govt of India has passed the Citizenship Amendment Bill (CAB) according to which, the persecuted minorities of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh viz. Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis and Christians can claim citizenship of India. Many Muslims and ‘liberals’ have given Fatwa over the bill declaring it ‘anti-Muslim’. Trains are being burnt in West Bengal, police are being attacked in Jamia, stations are being ransacked, running trains with passengers inside are being attacked with stones and weapons, nationwide protests are being called. Many intellectuals are urging masses to hit streets as govt, judiciary, and majority Hindus have ‘failed’ Muslims.

This violence is not new to India. Since the advent of Muhammad Bin Qasim, throughout Muslim invasions, partition of India, pre and post partition riots, Bangladeshi genocide of Hindus, burning of innocents in Godhra etc, this has been a normal in India. What is new is the newfound love among Islamists, left scholars and liberals for Dr B. R. Ambedkar. Latter has extensively been invoked at various forums by leftists and Islamists as ‘secular’ response to ‘divisive Hindutva’ of BJP on CAB. In short, Hindus of India are being reminded below things repeatedly

  • India was not a country. It was built by Mughals/Muslims
  • India was never a Hindu country. Sabhi ka khoon shaamil hai yahaan ki mitti me (everybody’s (Hindu-Muslim alike) blood was spilled in its soil for freedom)
  • Muslims came to India, spread science, technology, art, culture and enriched India
  • All stories of religious persecution of Hindus at hands of Muslims/Sultans are falsehood promoted by RSS to demonise Muslims
  • None of the wars waged by Muslim armies on India had a religious agenda
  • Massacre of men, rape of women, destruction of temples are exaggerated. It was never religious. This was norm at that time
  • Muslim rulers also killed Muslims and other Muslim rulers. Proves they were not religious fanatic
  • Conversion of Hindus to Islam was never done by sword/force in Indian subcontinent. This is a lie propagated by Hindutva WhatsApp universities
  • No Hindu temple was destroyed. No mosque was raised over any temple. This is lie by Hindutva mobs to justify Babri demolition
  • Our forefathers rejected the idea of Pakistan/Jinnah. Hence India must remain secular

What did Dr Ambedkar think of above, Muslims, Pakistan, religious persecution, Muslim invasions, secularism, and Hindu-Muslim unity? Was he really the champion of the brand of secularism Islamists, leftists and liberals are preaching in his name?

Truth may shock you.

Quotes in the article are taken from Babasaheb Ambedkar’s book – Pakistan or the Partition of India (published 1940) available at official website of Ministry of external Affairs, Govt of India. Titles are mine. Know the history you were never taught. Draw your inferences. Let’s begin.

Hindu-Muslim Unity

Dr Ambedkar: “Before the Hindus complain of the destruction of the unity of India, let them make certain that the unity they are harping upon does exist. What unity is there between Pakistan and Hindustan?”

Myth: India didn’t exist before Muslims/British. Hindu India never existed.

Reality : Vedic-Buddhist India existed before Muslim invasion, Afghanistan was part of India

Dr Ambedkar:

“Those Hindus, who maintain the affirmative, rely chiefly upon the fact that the areas which the Muslims want to be separated from India have always been a part of India. Historically this is, no doubt, true. This area was a part of India when Chandragupta was the ruler; it continued to be a part of India when Hsuan Tsang, the Chinese pilgrim, visited India in the 7th century A. D. In his diary, Hsuan Tsang has recorded that India was divided into five divisions or to use his language, there were ‘five Indies’ : (1) Northern India, (2) Western India, (3) Central India, (4) Eastern India and (5) Southern India and that these five divisions contained 80 kingdoms.

According to Hsuan Tsang, Northern India comprised the Punjab proper, including Kashmir and the adjoining hill States with the whole of Eastern Afghanistan beyond the Indus, and the present Cis-Satlaj States to the west of the Sarasvati river. Thus, in Northern India there were included the districts of Kabul, Jallalabad (both in today’s Afghanistan), Peshawar, Ghazni (Af) and Bannu, which were all subject to the ruler of Kapisa, who was a Hindu Kshatriya and whose capital was most probably at Charikar, 27 miles from Kabul. In the Punjab proper, the hilly districts Taxila, Singhapura, Urasa, Punch and Rajaori, were subject to the Raja of Kashmir; while the whole of the plains, including Multan and Shorkot, were dependent on the ruler of Taki or Sangala, near Lahore. Such was the extent of the northern boundary of India at the time when Hsuan Tsang came on his pilgrimage.”

“It is true that when Hsuan Tsang came, not only the Punjab but what is now Afghanistan was part of India and further, the people of the Punjab and Afghanistan were either Vedic or Buddhist by religion. But what has happened since Hsuan Tsang left India?”

Myth : Muslims came to India to spread science, technology, art, culture and richness

Reality : Muslims invaded India with large armies repeatedly to massacre Hindus. No year passed without bloodshed of Hindus.

Dr Ambedkar:

“The most important thing that has happened is the invasion of India by the Muslim hordes from the north-west. The first Muslim invasion of India was by the Arabs who were led by Mahommad Bin Qasim. It took place in 711 A. D. and resulted in the conquest of Sind. This first Muslim invasion did not result in a permanent occupation of the country because the Caliphate of Baghdad, by whose order and command the invasion had taken place, was obliged by the middle of the 9th century A. D. to withdraw its direct control from this distant province of Sind.

Soon after this withdrawal, there began a series of terrible invasions by Muhammad of Ghazni in 1001 A. D. Muhammad died in 1030 A. D., but within the short span of 30 years, he invaded India 17 times. He was followed by Mahommad Ghori who began his career as an invader in 1173. He was killed in 1206. For thirty years had Muhammad of Ghazni ravaged India and for thirty years Mahommad Ghori harried the same country in the same way. Then followed the incursions of the Moghul hordes of Chenghiz Khan. They first came in 1221. They then only wintered on the border of India but did not enter it. Twenty years after, they marched on Lahore and sacked it.

Of their inroads, the most terrible was under Taimur in 1398. Then comes on the scene a new invader in the person of Babar who invaded India in 1526. The invasions of India did not stop with that of Babar. There occurred two more invasions. In 1738 Nadirshah’s invading host swept over the Punjab like a flooded river ” furious as the ocean “. He was followed by Ahmadshah Abdalli who invaded India in 1761, smashed the forces of the Mahrattas at Panipat and crushed for ever the attempt of the Hindus to gain the ground which they had lost to their Muslim invaders.”

Myth: Muslim invasion had no religious agenda

Reality: It was all religious, to demolish every temple, to kill/convert every idolater-polytheist Hindu

Dr Ambedkar:

“These Muslim invasions were not undertaken merely out of lust for loot or conquest. There was another object behind them. The expedition against Sind by Mahommad bin Qasim was of a punitive character and was undertaken to punish Raja Dahir of Sind who had refused to make restitution for the seizure of an Arab ship at Debul, one of the sea-port towns of Sind. But, there is no doubt that striking a blow at the idolatry and polytheism of Hindus and establishing Islam in India was also one of the aims of this expedition. In one of his dispatches to Hajjaj, Mahommad bin Qasim is quoted to have said :

“The nephew of Raja Dahir, his warriors and principal officers have been dispatched, and the infidels converted to Islam or destroyed. Instead of idol-temples, mosques and other places of worship have been created, the Kulbah it read, the call to prayers is raised, so that devotions are performed at staled hours. The Takbir and praise to the Almighty God are offered every morning and evening.

After receiving the above dispatch, which had been forwarded with the head of the Raja, Hajjaj sent the following reply to his general:

“Except that you give protection to all, great and small alike, make no difference between enemy and friend. God, says, ‘ Give no quarter to infidels but cut their throats ‘. Then know that this is the command of the great God. You shall not be too ready to grant protection, because it will prolong your work. After this give no quarter to any enemy except those who are of rank.”

Muhammad of Ghazni also looked upon his numerous invasions of India as the waging of a holy war. Al’ Utbi, the historian of Muhammad, describing his raids writes :

“He demolished idol temples and established Islam. He captured …… cities, killed the polluted wretches, destroying the idolaters, and gratifying Muslims. ‘ He then returned home and promulgated accounts of the victories obtained for Islam. ……. and vowed that every year he would undertake a holy war against Hind.” Mahommed Ghori was actuated by the same holy zeal in his invasions of India. Hasan Nizami, the historian, describes his work in the following terms :

He purged by his sword the land of Hind from the filth of infidelity and vice, and freed the whole of that country from the thorn of God-plurality and the impurity of idol-worship, and by his royal vigour and intrepidity left not one temple standing.”

Taimur has in his Memoir explained what led him to invade India. He says:

My object in the invasions of Hindustan is to lead a campaign against the infidels, to convert them to the true faith according to the command of Muhammad (on whom and his family be the blessing and peace of God), to purify the land from the defilement of misbelief and polytheism, and overthrow the temples and idols, whereby we shall be Ghazis and Mujahids, companions and soldiers of the faith before God.“”

Myth : Muslims/Muslim rulers also killed Muslims and other Muslim rulers. Proves they were not religious fanatics

Reality : They fought among themselves for power. But they were united in religious ’cause’ of wiping Hindu faith off the world

Dr Ambedkar

“These invasions of India by Muslims were as much invasions of India as they were wars among the Muslims themselves. This fact has remained hidden because the invaders are all lumped together as Muslims without distinction. But as a matter of fact, they were Tartars, Afghans and Mongols. Muhammad of Ghazni was a Tartar, Mahommed of Ghori was an Afghan, Taimur was a Mongol, Babar was a Tartar, while Nadirshah and Ahmadshah Abdalli were Afghans. In invading India, the Afghan was out to destroy the Tartar and the Mongol was out to destroy the Tartar as well as the Afghan. They were not a loving family cemented by the feeling of Islamic brotherhood. They were deadly rivals of one another and their wars were often wars of mutual extermination. What is, however, important to bear in mind is that with all their internecine conflicts they were all united by one common objective and that was to destroy the Hindu faith.

Myth: Conversion of Hindus to Islam in Indian subcontinent was never done by sword/force. This is a lie propagated by Hindutva WhatsApp university.

Reality: Forced circumcision, slaughter, rape and slavery were unleashed on Hindus to Islamise India

Dr Ambedkar:

“The methods adopted by the Muslim invaders of India are not less significant for the subsequent history of India than the object of their invasions.

Mahommad bin Qasim’s first act of religious zeal was forcibly to circumcise the Brahmins of the captured city of Debul ; but on discovering that they objected to this sort of conversion, he proceeded to put all above the age of 17 to death, and to order all others, with women and children, to be led into slavery. The temple of the Hindus was looted, and the rich booty was divided equally among the soldiers, after one-fifth, the legal portion for the government, had been set aside.

Tower of Hindu skulls raised by Akbar’s forces after 2nd battle of Panipat. Pic courtesy-

Muhammad of Ghazni from the first adopted those plans that would strike terror into the hearts of the Hindus. After the defeat of Raja Jaipal in A.D. 1001, Muhammad ordered that Jaipal ” be paraded about in the streets so that his sons and chieftains might see him in that condition of shame, bonds and disgrace; and that fear of Islam might fly abroad through the country of the infidels. ”

The slaughtering of ‘ infidels’ seemed to be one thing that gave Muhammad particular pleasure. In one attack on Chand Rai, in A. D. 1019, many infidels were slain or taken prisoners, and the Muslims paid no regard to booty until they had satiated themselves with the slaughter of the infidels and worshippers of the sun and fire. The historian naively adds that the elephants of the Hindu armies came to Muhammad of their own accord, leaving idols, preferring the service of the religion of Islam.

Not infrequently, the slaughter of the Hindus gave a great setback to the indigenous culture of the Hindus, as in the conquest of Bihar by Muhammad Bakhtyar Khilji. When he took Nuddea (Bihar) the Tabaquat-i-Nasiri informs us that:

“great plunder fell into the hands of the victors. Most of the inhabitants were Brahmins with shaven heads. They were put to death. Large number of books were found……… but none could explain their contents as all the men had been killed, the whole fort and city being a place of study.”

Cow’s flesh around idol’s neck

“Of the destruction of temples and the desecration of idols we have an abundance of evidence. Mahommad bin Qasim carried out his plan of destruction systematically in Sind, we have seen, but he made an exception of the famous temple at Multan for purposes of revenue, as this temple was a place of resort for pilgrims, who made large gifts to the idol. Nevertheless, while he thus satisfied his avarice by letting the temple stand, he gave vent to his malignity by having a piece of cow’s flesh tied around the neck of the idol.

Destroyer of 1000 temples

“Minhaj-as-Siraj further tells how Mahommad became widely known for having destroyed as many as a thousand temples, and of his great feat in destroying the temple of Somnath and carrying off its idol, which he asserts was broken into four parts. One part he deposited in the Jami Masjid of Ghazni, one he placed at the entrance of the royal palace, the third he sent to Mecca, and the fourth to Medina.”

50,000 Hindus slaughtered on final plunder day of Somnath

“It is said by Lane Poole that Muhammad of Ghazni ” who had vowed that every year should see him wage a holy war against the infidels of Hindustancould not rest from his idol-breaking campaign so long as the temple of Somnath remained inviolate. It was for this specific purpose that he, at the very close of his career, undertook his arduous march across the desert from Multan to Anhalwara on the coast, fighting as he went, until he saw at last the famous temple:

“There a hundred thousand pilgrims were wont to assemble, a thousand Brahmins served the temple and guarded its treasures, and hundreds of dancers and singers played before its gates. Within stood the famous linga, a rude pillar stone adorned with gems and lighted by jewelled candelebra which were reflected in rich hangings, embroidered with precious stones like stars, that decked the shrine….. Its ramparts were swarmed with incredulous Brahmins, mocking the vain arrogance of foreign infidels whom the God of Somnath would assuredly consume. The foreigners, nothing daunted, scaled the walls; the God remained dumb to the urgent appeals of his servants; fifty thousand Hindus suffered for their faith and the sacred shrine was sacked to the joy of the true believers. The great stone was cast down and its fragments were carried off to grace the conqueror’s palace. The temple gates were setup at Ghazni and a million pounds worth of treasure rewarded the iconoclast

The work done by Muhammad of Ghazni became a pious tradition and was faithfully followed by those who came after him. In the words of Dr. Titus.”

Myth: No Hindu temple was destroyed by Muslims. No mosque was raised over any temple. This is lie spread by Hindutva mobs to justify Babri demolition

Reality: Muhammad Ghori destroyed every single temple and idol in Delhi and raised mosques over them

Dr Ambedkar:

Mahommad Ghori, one of the enthusiastic successors of Muhammad of Ghazni, in his conquest of Ajmir destroyed pillars and foundations of the idol-temples, and built in their stead mosques and colleges, and the precepts of Islam and the customs of the law were divulged and established. At Delhi, the city and its vicinity were freed from idols and idol worship, and in the sanctuaries of the images of the Gods mosques were raised by the worshippers of the one God.

Another destroyer of 1000 temples, 1000 mosques built over them – Delhi’s Jama Masjid was built over ruins of temples demolished by elephants

Qutb-ud-Din Aybak also is said to have destroyed nearly a thousand temples, and then raised mosques on their foundations. The same author states that he built the Jami Masjid, Delhi, and adorned it with the stones and gold obtained from the temples which had been demolished by elephants, and covered it with inscriptions (from the Quran) containing the divine commands. We have further evidence of this harrowing process having been systematically employed from the inscription extant over the eastern gateway of this same mosque at Delhi, which relates that the materials of 27 idol temples were used in its construction.

Ala-ud-Din, in his zeal to build a second Minar to the Jami Masjid, to rival the one built by Qulb-ud-Din, is said by Amir Khusru not only to have dug stones out of the hills, but to have demolished temples of the infidels to furnish a supply. In his conquests of South India the destruction of temples was carried out by Ala-ud-Din as it had been in the north by his predecessors.

” The Sultan Firoz Shah, in his Futuhat, graphically relates how he treated Hindus who had dared to build new temples. ‘ When they did this in the city (Delhi) and the environs, in opposition to the law of the Prophet, which declares that such are not to be tolerated, under Divine guidance I destroyed these edifices. I killed these leaders of infidelity and punished others with stripes, until this abuse was entirely abolished and where infidels and idolaters worshipped idols, Musalmans now by God’s mercy perform their devotions to the true God.

Even in the reign of Shah Jahan, we read of the destruction of the temples that the Hindus had started to rebuild, and the account of this direct attack on the piety of the Hindus is thus solemnly recorded in the Badshah-namah :

Order to demolish every single temple in Benares and elsewhere – Kashi Vishwanath

“It had been brought to the notice of His Majesty, says the historian, that during the late reign (of Akbar) many idol-temples had been begun but remained unfinished at Benares, the great stronghold of infidelity. The infidels were now desirous of completing them. His Majesty, the defender of the faith, gave orders that at Benares and throughout all his dominions in every place all temples that had been begun should be cast down. It was reported from the Province of Allahabad that 76 temples had been destroyed in the district of Benares.

Mosque built over ruins of original Kashi Vishvanath temple. Image courtesy-

It was left to Aurangzeb to make a final attempt to overthrow idolatry. The author of ‘ Ma ‘ athir-i-Alamgiri dilates upon his efforts to put down Hindu teaching, and his destruction of temples in the following terms :

” In April, A. D. 1669, Aurangzib learned that in the provinces of Thatta, Multan and Benares, but especially in the latter, foolish Brahmins were in the habit of expounding frivolous books in their schools, and that learners, Muslims as well as Hindus, went there from long distances…. The ‘ Director of the Faith ‘ consequently issued orders to all the governors of provinces to destroy with a willing hand the schools and temples of the infidels; and they were enjoined to put an entire stop to the teaching and practising of idolatrous worship.. …Later it was reported to his religious Majesty that the Government officers had destroyed the temple of Bishnath at Benares. ” 14[f.14]

” Such invaders as Muhammad and Timur seem to have been more concerned with iconoclasm, the collection of booty, the enslaving of captives, and the sending of infidels to hell with the’ proselytizing sword ‘ than they were with the conversion of them even by force. But when rulers were permanently established the winning of converts became a matter of supreme urgency. It was a part of the stale policy to establish Islam as the religion of the whole land.

Qutb-ud-Din, whose reputation for destroying temples was almost as great as that of Muhammad, in the latter part of the twelfth century and early years of the thirteenth, must have frequently resorted to force as an incentive to conversion. One instance may be noted: when he approached Koil (Aligarh) in A. D. 1194, ‘ those of the garrison who were wise and acute were converted to Islam, but the others were slain with the sword ‘.

Myth: Islam was spread with love in Indian subcontinent.


Dr Ambedkar:

” Further examples of extreme measures employed to effect a change of faith are all too numerous. One pathetic case is mentioned in the lime of the reign of Firoz Shah (A. D. 1351—1388). An old Brahmin of Delhi had been accused of worshipping idols in his house, and of even leading Muslim women to become infidels. He was sent for and his case placed before the judges, doctors, elders and lawyers. Their reply was that the provisions of the law were clear. The Brahmin must either become a Muslim or be burned. The true faith was declared to him and the right course pointed out, but he refused to accept it. Consequently he was burned by the order of the Sultan, and the commentator adds, ‘ Behold the Sultan’s strict adherence to law and rectitude, how he would not deviate in the least from its decrees’.”

Myth: Had Muslims converted Hindus by force, there would have been no Hindu alive today. Islam freed Hindus from clutches of Brahmanvaad.

Reality: Mahmood of Ghazni alone enslaved 5,00,000 Hindu men, women and children and sold them in markets of Ghazni

Dr Ambedkar:

Muhammad not only destroyed temples but made it a policy to make slaves of the Hindus he conquered. In the words of Dr. Titus:

“Not only was slaughter of the infidels and the destruction of their temples resorted to in earlier period of Islam’s contact with India, but as we have seen, many of the vanquished were led into slavery. The dividing up of booty was one of the special attractions, to the leaders as well as to the common soldiers in these expeditions. Muhammad seems to have made the slaughter of infidels, the destruction of their temples, the capturing of slaves, and the plundering of the wealth of the people, particularly of the temples and the priests, the main object of his raids. On the occasion of his first raid he is said to have taken much booty ; and half a million Hindus, ‘ beautiful men and women ‘, were reduced to slavery and taken back to Ghazni.

“When Muhammad later took Kanauj, in A. D. 1017, he took so much booty and so many prisoners that * the fingers of those who counted them would have tired ‘. Describing how common Indian slaves had become in Ghazni and Central Asia after the campaign of A. D. 1019, the historian of the times says

The number of prisoners may be conceived from the fact that each was sold for from two to ten dirhams. These were afterwards taken to Ghazni, and merchants came from far distant cities to purchase them ;. . ….and the fair and the dark, the rich and the poor were commingled in one common slavery.

” In the year A.D. 1202, when Qulb-ud-Din captured Kalinjar, after the temples had been convened into mosques, and the very name of idolatry was annihilated, fifty thousand men came under the collar of slavery and the plain became black as pitch with Hindus.

Slavery was the fate of those Hindus who were captured in the holy war. But, when there was no war the systematic abasement of the Hindus played no unimportant part in the methods adopted by the Muslim invaders. In the days of Ala-ud-Din, at the beginning of the fourteenth century, the Hindus had in certain parts given the Sultan much trouble. So, he determined to impose such taxes on them that they would be prevented from rising in rebellion.”

The Hindu was to be left unable to keep a horse to ride on, to carry arms, to wear fine clothes, or to enjoy any of the luxuries of life.

The payment of the Jizyah by the Hindus continued throughout the dominions of the sultans, emperors, and kings in various parts of India with more or less regularity, though often, the law was in force in theory only ; since it depended entirely on the ability of the sovereign to enforce his demands. But, finally, it was abolished throughout the Moghul Empire in the ninth year of the enlightened Akbar’s reign (A. D. 1665), after it had been accepted as a fundamental part of Muslim government policy in India for a period of more than eight centuries.

” the Hindu was taxed to the extent of half the produce of his land, and had to pay duties on all his buffaloes, goats, and other milk-cattle. The taxes were to be levied equally on rich and poor, at so much per acre, so much per animal. Any collectors or officers taking bribes were summarily dismissed and heavily punished with sticks, pincers, the rack, imprisonment and chains. The new rules were strictly carried out, so that one revenue officer would string together 20 Hindu notables and enforce payment by blows. No gold or silver, not even the betelnut, so cheering and stimulative to pleasure, was to be seen in a Hindu house, and the wives of the impoverished native officials were reduced to taking service in Muslim families. Revenue officers came to be regarded as more deadly than the plague; and to be a government clerk was disgrace worse than death, in so much that no Hindu would marry his daughter to such a man. ” 20[f.20]

These edicts, says the historian of the period,

” were so strictly carried out that the chaukidars and khuts and muqad-dims were not able to ride on horseback, to find weapon, to wear fine clothes, or to indulge in betel. . …. No Hindu could hold up his head. ….. Blows, confinement in the stocks, imprisonment and chains were all employed to enforce payment. ”

All this was not the result of mere caprice or moral perversion. On the other hand, what was done was in accordance with the ruling ideas of the leaders of Islam in the broadest aspects. These ideas were well expressed by the Kazi in reply to a question put by Sultan Ala-ud-Din wanting to know the legal position of the Hindus under Muslim law. The Kazi said :—

If Jaziya collection officer wishes to spit in a Hindu’s mouth, latter must open mouth to receive it. This is religious duty to subjugate Hindus

” They are called payers of tribute, and when the revenue officer demands silver from them they should without question, and with all humility and respect, tender gold. If the officer throws dirt in their mouths, they must without reluctance open their mouths wide to receive it….. The due subordination of the Dhimmi is exhibited in this humble payment, and by this throwing of dirt into their mouths. The glorification of Islam is a duty, and contempt for religion is vain. God holds them in contempt, for he says, ‘ Keep them in subjection ‘.

Jaziya collector spitting in Hindu’s mouth. Courtesy- The Texas Piney Woods Blog

To keep the Hindus in abasement is especially a religious duty, because they are the most inveterate enemies of the Prophet, and because the Prophet has commanded us to slay them, plunder them, and make them captive, saying, ‘ Convert them to Islam or kill them, and make them slaves, and spoil their wealth and properly ‘. No doctor but the great doctor (Hani-fah), to whose school we belong, has assented to the imposition of jizya on Hindus ; doctors of other schools allow no other alternative but ‘ Death or Islam ‘.”

Such is the story of this period of 762 years which elapsed between the advent of Muhammad of Ghazni and the return of Ahmadshah Abdalli.

How far is it open to the Hindus to say that Northern India is part of Aryavarta ? How far is it open to the Hindus to say because once it belonged to them, therefore, it must remain for ever an integral part of India ? Those who oppose separation and hold to the ‘ historic sentiment ‘ arising out of an ancient fact that Northern India including Afghanistan was once part of India and that the people of that area were either Buddhist or Hindus, must be asked whether the events of these 762 years of incessant Muslim invasions, the object with which they were launched and the methods adopted by these invaders to give effect to their object are to be treated as though they were matters of no account ?

Apart from other consequences which have flowed from them these invasions have, in my opinion, so profoundly altered the ‘ culture and character of the northern areas, which it is now proposed to be included in a Pakistan, that there is not only no unity between that area and the rest of India but that there is as a matter of fact a real antipathy between the two.”

North India-Rest of India divide was caused by Islamic invasions

“The first consequence of these invasions was the breaking up of the unity of Northern India with the rest of India. After his conquest of Northern India, Muhammad of Ghazni detached it from India and ruled it from Ghazni. When Mahommed Ghori came in the field as a conqueror, he again attached it to India and ruled it from Lahore and then from Delhi. Hakim, the brother of Akbar, detached Kabul and Kandahar from Northern India. Akbar again attached it to Northern India. They were again detached by Nadirshah in 1738 and the whole of Northern India would have been severed from India had it not been for the check provided by the rise of the Sikhs. Northern India, therefore, has been like a wagon in a train, which can be coupled or uncoupled according to the circumstances of the moment.”

Invasions – source of pride for Muslims?

“The methods adopted by the invaders have left behind them their aftermath. One aftermath is the bitterness between the Hindus and the Muslims which they have caused. This bitterness, between the two, is so deep-seated that a century of political life has neither succeeded in assuaging it, nor in making people forget it. As the invasions were accompanied with destruction of temples and forced conversions, with spoliation of property, with slaughter, enslavement and abasement of men, women and children, what wonder if the memory of these invasions has ever remained green, as a source of pride to the Muslims and as a source of shame to the Hindus ?

But these things apart, this north-west corner of India has been a theatre in which a stern drama has been played. Muslim hordes, in wave after wave, have surged down into this area and from thence scattered themselves in spray over the rest of India. These reached the rest of India in thin currents. In time, they also receded from their farthest limits ; while they lasted, they left a deep deposit of Islamic culture over the original Aryan culture in this north-west corner of India which has given it a totally different colour, both in religious and political outlook.

The Muslim invaders, no doubt, came to India singing a hymn of hate against the Hindus. But, they did not merely sing their hymn of hate and go back burning a few temples on the way. That would have been a blessing.

They were not content with so negative a result. They did a positive act, namely, to plant the seed of Islam. The growth of this plant is remarkable. It is not a summer sapling. It is as great and as strong as an oke. Its growth is the thickest in Northern India. The successive invasions have deposited their ‘ silt ‘ more there than anywhere else, and have served as watering exercises of devoted gardeners. Its growth is so thick in Northern India that the remnants of Hindu and Buddhist culture are just shrubs.

Even the Sikh axe could not fell this oak. Sikhs, no doubt , became the political masters of Northern India, but they did not gain back Northern India to that spiritual and cultural unity by which it was bound to the rest of India before HsuanTsang. The Sikhs coupled it back to India. Still, it remains like Alsace-Lorraine politically detachable and spiritually alien so far as the rest of India is concerned. It is only an unimaginative person who could fail to take notice of these facts or insist in the face of them that Pakistan means breaking up into two what is one whole.

What is the unity the Hindu sees between Pakistan and Hindustan ? If it is geographical unity, then that is no unity…. If unity is to be of an abiding character, it must be founded on a sense of kinship, in the feeling of being kindred. In short, it must be spiritual. Judged in the light of these considerations, the unity between Pakistan and Hindustan is a myth. Indeed, there is more spiritual unity between Hindustan and Burma than there is between Pakistan and Hindustan…”

Dr Ambedkar’s quotes end here.

In the light of Babasaheb’s observation – “As the invasions were accompanied with destruction of temples and forced conversions, with spoliation of property, with slaughter, enslavement and abasement of men, women and children, what wonder if the memory of these invasions has ever remained green, as a source of pride to the Muslims and as a source of shame to the Hindus?”, the current violence/protests over CAB can be understood.

About Author – Dr Vashi Sharma, studied at IITB, taught at IITK, Energy Science, Defence, Religions, Pakistan.

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  2. Many corrections need to be done.
    1. Victory of Mohammad Qasim in 711 was after many consecutive defeats of Arabian armies. Total rout of these by Hindus.
    2. In between attacks, Hindus would unite and beat the shit out of invaders. Remember Nagbhatt and Kashmir king Lalitaditya, Bappa Rawal and countless more heroes remain shadowed in history
    3. After Mohamaad Ghaznavi broke Somnath after fierce struggle, next year his nephew came with 1.5 lakh army and none returned alive.
    4. First attack of Mohaamad Ghori was on Gujarat in 1175 and the Queen of Gujarat defeated him decisively.
    5. Maratahas had decisively beaten Mughals and with Sikhs had reestablished Hindavi Swaraj
    Many such stories of Hindu valour are there.
    But in 19th century Gandhi happened to Bharat like a Rahu. He made Hindus people weak by preaching non violence, singing praise of Muslim bravery and other means. He is responsible that Pakistan side now hardly has Hindu Sikhs though these were won back by Marathas and Sikhs.

  3. only 1 thing the mongols were not actually muslims and they were pagans ex chengiz khan and they had no animosity towards hindus and also mongols are different from mughals

  4. Please give more information about the way these rakshas played politics with getting Hindu support and using them against Hindus.

  5. This is very disturbing and also enlightning. Now I really want to bomb every single mosque on this earth. Islam is the biggest threat to humanity and common sense. I will show these articles to my family and friends.

    Thank you sir for sharing this valuable knowlegde with us.

    1. I don’t understand who gives you the right to put Mughal Invaders as equivalent to today’s Indian Muslims. They are as much Indian as much as an Hindu is. No one is denying any of the violent things these invaders did! They were inhumane, but you should not use that to cultivate hatred for today’s Muslims!
      Invaders used to demolish any existing civilization, they hated Hindus, bit that makes no sense in today’s scenario!

      What you write can impact a lot of people, please be careful what message you are sending to the world you want your next generation to live in.
      Your voice might make someone hate an innocent child, for the only reason that he is born in a Muslim family. Think about it!

      1. In 1946 most of the Muslims of undivided India voted for Muslim League and when Pakistan happened most stayed back as their demanded Pakistan did not include their own home in the boundary of Pakistan. Dr Ambedkar had warned even in 1940 that unless Hindu Muslim population exchange was done when Pakistan happened, India wont have communal peace even after 70 years.
